QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
ADVERSE EVENT OUTCOME REPORT Report Period__________________ DISCHARGED TO COMMUNITY WITH BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS Definition: Patient was discharged to the community without paid or resident assistance, while having demonstrated at least two behavioral problems OASIS M0 triggers: M 1700 Pt. Name _________________________________ SOC date _________ DC date_________ MR#_____________ Age _______ Sex _____ Case Manager_________________________________ Review Date ___________________ Reviewer____________________________________________ QUESTIONS YES NO IE COMMENTS Which 2 behavioral problems did the patient demonstrate? If there were not 2 behavioral problems, was there an error in OASIS documentation? Was there paid or resident assistance in the home? If yes, was there an error in OASIS documentation? If the documentation does not support the definition of the adverse outcome, stop the audit at this point and investigate how the OASIS errors occurred and re-train staff as needed. Did these behavioral problems interfere with the patient's ability to care for self? Was a psych. nurse and/or MSW involved with the case? Did the patient ever threaten suicide? Could you assess from the documentation if the patient was a danger to himself or others? If so, explain: Did the patient have a history of mental illness? Was the patient compliant with treatment regimen? If non-compliant, was the physician notified, appropriately? IE = Insufficient evidence documented to make decision/not documented 50
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