QAPI Program Utilization_Manual

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ASPECT OF CARE, INDICATOR, THRESHOLD Aspect Client/Patient Complaints Indicator Clients receiving Agency services express complaints, grievance with the services received as evidence by the results of a care provided by the Agency’s personnel whether: 1. Clients have been told of the Grievance Procedures 2. Client have been told of State, Accreditation and Agency lines for report complaints. 2. Clients are satisfied with the complaints procedures 3. Clients are able to reach the Agency when they need to report any complaint or grievance 4. Client’s request, solution are addressed within time frame 5. Client’s satisfaction with the Agency’s complaint investigation met his/her expectations. A follow up call after solution are maintained to verify patient’s satisfaction. 6. All services are not affected due to complaint-grievance filed. 7. Complaint Log are up to date. Threshold 100% of Complaints Sample Random a minimum of 90% of complaints-grievance. Methodology Monthly client complaint is investigated, response completed within established time frame. Responsibility Results will be submitted to the Director of Nursing, Clinical Manager or his/her designee whose responsibility it shall be to channel any identified problems to the appropriate staff for resolution and follow-up. Re-evaluation: next quarter Plan if finding fail to meet acceptable standards: In-service to staff, review of grievance procedures. 55