QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
Measure Title Measure Description OASIS C Item(s) Used Month 1 ______ Month 2 ______ Month 3 ______ % of Compliance Action Plan (If needed) Pressure Ulcer Prevention In Plan Of Care Percentage of home health episodes of care in which interventions to prevent pressure ulcers were included in the physician-ordered plan of care for patients assessed to be at risk for pressure ulcers. SOC/ROC: (M2250) f. Intervention(s) to prevent pressure ulcers in plan of care Pressure Ulcer Treatment Based On Principles Of Moist Wound Healing In Plan Of Care Percentage of home health episodes of care in which pressure ulcer treatment based on principles of moist wound healing was specified in the plan of care for patients who have pressure ulcers with need for moist wound healing. SOC/ROC: (M2250) g. Pressure ulcer treatment in plan of care Depression Interventions Implemented Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient has symptoms or diagnosis of depression for whom physician-ordered interventions were implemented during the episode of care. Transfer/Discharge: (M 2401 ) c. Depression intervention(s) Diabetic Foot Care And Patient/Caregiver Education Implemented Percentage of home health episodes of care during which diabetic foot care and education specified during the physician- ordered care plan was implemented for patients with diabetes. Transfer/Discharge: (M240 1 ) a. Diabetic foot care intervention(s) Heart Failure Symptoms Addressed Percentage of home health episodes of care during which patients exhibited symptoms of heart failure for whom appropriate actions were taken Transfer/Discharge: (M151 1 ) Heart Failure Follow-up 70
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