QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
Quality Improvement & Assurance Forms & Adverse Events Q & I Indicator Project Name & Process: __________________________________ 1. Problem Statement: Will we get positive referrals from our existing patients? 2. Hypothesis: We anticipate an overall favorable opinion. 3. Experiment: Send to ALL Patients by a satisfaction survey form along with letter of explanation on D/C date or self addressed stamped envelope (mail). 4. Process: This Q & I evaluation for the indicator of “customer service survey” will be conducted during a 90 day period and then a conclusion will be determined based on ratio-percentages according to the total response from the received patent letters. 5. Results: This study will be presented to the Governing Body by the Q & I Compliance Officer and if necessary the implementation of new policies and procedures will be adopted. Process In Detail: Surveys Sent: ________ 30 day follow up for unanswered letters: _______ 60 day follow up for unanswered letters: _______ 80 day follow up for unanswered letters: _______ 85 day mark begin totaling responses received 90 day mark schedule meeting with Governing Body for Results Implement new policies & procedures if applicable 74
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